Interface CountMinSketchAgentForge

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CountMinSketchAgentForge
For use with Count-min sketch aggregation functions: The agent implementation encapsulates transformation of value objects to byte-array and back (when needed), and may override or provide custom behavior.

This is an extension API and may use internal classes. As such the interface may change between versions.

  • Method Details

    • getAcceptableValueTypes

      Class[] getAcceptableValueTypes()
      Returns an array of types that the agent can handle, for validation purposes. For example, an agent that accepts byte-array type values should return "new Class[] {String.class}". Interfaces and supertype classes can also be part of the class array.
      class array of acceptable type
    • codegenMake

      CodegenExpression codegenMake(CodegenMethod parent, CodegenClassScope classScope)
      Provides the code for the agent.
      parent - parent methods
      classScope - class scope