Interface EPVariableService

public interface EPVariableService
Service for variable management.
  • Method Details

    • getVariableValue

      Object getVariableValue(String deploymentId, String variableName) throws VariableNotFoundException
      Returns the current variable value for a global variable. A null value is a valid value for a variable. Not for use with context-partitioned variables.
      deploymentId - deployment id
      variableName - is the name of the variable to return the value for
      current variable value
      VariableNotFoundException - if a variable by that name has not been declared
    • getVariableValue

      Returns the current variable values for a context-partitioned variable, per context partition. A null value is a valid value for a variable. Only for use with context-partitioned variables. Variable names provided must all be associated to the same context partition.
      variableNames - are the names of the variables to return the value for
      contextPartitionSelector - selector for the context partition to return the value for
      current variable value
      VariableNotFoundException - if a variable by that name has not been declared
    • getVariableValue

      Returns current variable values for each of the global variable names passed in, guaranteeing consistency in the face of concurrent updates to the variables. Not for use with context-partitioned variables.
      variableNames - is a set of variable names for which to return values
      map of variable name and variable value
      VariableNotFoundException - if any of the variable names has not been declared
    • getVariableValueAll

      Map<DeploymentIdNamePair,Object> getVariableValueAll()
      Returns current variable values for all global variables, guaranteeing consistency in the face of concurrent updates to the variables. Not for use with context-partitioned variables.
      map of variable name and variable value
    • setVariableValue

      void setVariableValue(String deploymentId, String variableName, Object variableValue) throws VariableValueException, VariableNotFoundException
      Sets the value of a single global variable.

      Note that the thread setting the variable value queues the changes, i.e. it does not itself re-evaluate such new variable value for any given statement. The timer thread performs this work.

      Not for use with context-partitioned variables.
      deploymentId - deployment id
      variableName - is the name of the variable to change the value of
      variableValue - is the new value of the variable, with null an allowed value
      VariableValueException - if the value does not match variable type or cannot be safely coerced to the variable type
      VariableNotFoundException - if the variable name has not been declared
    • setVariableValue

      void setVariableValue(Map<DeploymentIdNamePair,Object> variableValues) throws VariableValueException, VariableNotFoundException
      Sets the value of multiple global variables in one update, applying all or none of the changes to variable values in one atomic transaction.

      Note that the thread setting the variable value queues the changes, i.e. it does not itself re-evaluate such new variable value for any given statement. The timer thread performs this work.

      Not for use with context-partitioned variables.
      variableValues - is the map of variable name and variable value, with null an allowed value
      VariableValueException - if any value does not match variable type or cannot be safely coerced to the variable type
      VariableNotFoundException - if any of the variable names has not been declared
    • setVariableValue

      void setVariableValue(Map<DeploymentIdNamePair,Object> variableValues, int agentInstanceId) throws VariableValueException, VariableNotFoundException
      Sets the value of multiple context-partitioned variables in one update, applying all or none of the changes to variable values in one atomic transaction.

      Note that the thread setting the variable value queues the changes, i.e. it does not itself re-evaluate such new variable value for any given statement. The timer thread performs this work.

      Only for use with context-partitioned variables.
      variableValues - is the map of variable name and variable value, with null an allowed value
      agentInstanceId - the id of the context partition
      VariableValueException - if any value does not match variable type or cannot be safely coerced to the variable type
      VariableNotFoundException - if any of the variable names has not been declared