Uses of Package
Enumeration method implementations for "allof" and "anyof".
Enumeration method implementations for "arrayof".
Enumeration method implementations for "average".
Enumeration base method implementations for zero-parameter and lambda-one-parameter with up to three forms: selector, index, size.
Enumeration method implementations for "count".
Enumeration method implementations for "distinctof".
Enumeration method implementations for "firstof" and "lastof".
Enumeration method implementations for "groupby" one-parameter.
Enumeration method implementations for "min" and "max".
Enumeration method implementations for "minby" and "maxby".
Enumeration method implementations for "mostfrequent" and "leastfrequent".
Enumeration method implementations for "orderby".
Enumeration method implementations for "selectfrom".
Enumeration method implementations for "sumof".
Enumeration method implementations for "takewhile" and "takewhilelast".
Enumeration method implementations for "where".