Class NestedIterationExecNode


public class NestedIterationExecNode extends ExecNode
Execution node that performs a nested iteration over all child nodes.

Each child node under this node typically represents a table lookup. The implementation 'hops' from the first child to the next recursively for each row returned by a child.

It passes a 'prototype' row (prefillPath) to each new child which contains the current partial event set.

  • Constructor Details

    • NestedIterationExecNode

      public NestedIterationExecNode(int[] nestedStreams)
      nestedStreams - - array of integers defining order of streams in nested join.
  • Method Details

    • addChildNode

      public void addChildNode(ExecNode childNode)
      Add a child node.
      childNode - to add
    • process

      public void process(EventBean lookupEvent, EventBean[] prefillPath, Collection<EventBean[]> result, ExprEvaluatorContext exprEvaluatorContext)
      Description copied from class: ExecNode
      Process single event using the prefill events to compile lookup results.
      Specified by:
      process in class ExecNode
      lookupEvent - - event to look up for or query for
      prefillPath - - set of events currently in the example tuple to serve as a prototype for result rows.
      result - is the list of tuples to add a result row to
      exprEvaluatorContext - context for expression evaluation
    • recursiveNestedJoin

      protected void recursiveNestedJoin(EventBean lookupEvent, int nestingOrderIndex, EventBean[] currentPath, Collection<EventBean[]> result, ExprEvaluatorContext exprEvaluatorContext)
      Recursive method to run through all child nodes and, for each result set tuple returned by a child node, execute the inner child of the child node until there are no inner child nodes.
      lookupEvent - - current event to use for lookup by child node
      nestingOrderIndex - - index within the child nodes indicating what nesting level we are at
      currentPath - - prototype result row to use by child nodes for generating result rows
      result - - result tuple rows to be populated
      exprEvaluatorContext - context for expression evalauation
    • print

      public void print(IndentWriter writer)
      Description copied from class: ExecNode
      Output the execution strategy.
      Specified by:
      print in class ExecNode
      writer - to output to