Class LookupInstructionQueryPlanNode


public class LookupInstructionQueryPlanNode extends QueryPlanNode
Query plan for executing a set of lookup instructions and assembling an end result via a set of assembly instructions.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • LookupInstructionQueryPlanNode

      public LookupInstructionQueryPlanNode(int rootStream, String rootStreamName, int numStreams, boolean[] requiredPerStream, LookupInstructionPlan[] lookupInstructions, BaseAssemblyNodeFactory[] assemblyInstructionFactories)
      rootStream - is the stream supplying the lookup event
      rootStreamName - is the name of the stream supplying the lookup event
      numStreams - is the number of streams
      lookupInstructions - is a list of lookups to perform
      requiredPerStream - indicates which streams are required and which are optional in the lookup
      assemblyInstructionFactories - is the bottom-up assembly factory nodes to assemble a lookup result nodes
  • Method Details