Class EvalNotStateNode

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EvalNotStateNode extends EvalStateNode implements Evaluator
This class contains the state of an 'not' operator in the evaluation state tree. The not operator inverts the truth of the subexpression under it. It defaults to being true rather than being false at startup. True at startup means it will generate an event on newState such that parent expressions may turn true. It turns permenantly false when it receives an event from a subexpression and the subexpression quitted. It indicates the false state via an evaluateFalse call on its parent evaluator.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • EvalNotStateNode

      public EvalNotStateNode(Evaluator parentNode, EvalNotNode evalNotNode)
      parentNode - is the parent evaluator to call to indicate truth value
      evalNotNode - is the factory node associated to the state
  • Method Details

    • removeMatch

      public void removeMatch(Set<EventBean> matchEvent)
      Description copied from class: EvalStateNode
      Remove matches that overlap with the provided events.
      Specified by:
      removeMatch in class EvalStateNode
      matchEvent - set of events to check for
    • getFactoryNode

      public EvalNode getFactoryNode()
      Description copied from class: EvalStateNode
      Returns the factory node for the state node.
      Specified by:
      getFactoryNode in class EvalStateNode
      factory node
    • start

      public final void start(MatchedEventMap beginState)
      Description copied from class: EvalStateNode
      Starts the event expression or an instance of it. Child classes are expected to initialize and start any event listeners or schedule any time-based callbacks as needed.
      Specified by:
      start in class EvalStateNode
      beginState - begin state
    • evaluateFalse

      public final void evaluateFalse(EvalStateNode fromNode, boolean restartable)
      Description copied from interface: Evaluator
      Indicate a change in truth value to false.
      Specified by:
      evaluateFalse in interface Evaluator
      fromNode - is the node that indicates the change
      restartable - whether the evaluator can be restarted
    • evaluateTrue

      public final void evaluateTrue(MatchedEventMap matchEvent, EvalStateNode fromNode, boolean isQuitted, EventBean optionalTriggeringEvent)
      Description copied from interface: Evaluator
      Indicate a change in truth value to true.
      Specified by:
      evaluateTrue in interface Evaluator
      matchEvent - is the container for events that caused the change in truth value
      fromNode - is the node that indicates the change
      isQuitted - is an indication of whether the node continues listenening or stops listening
      optionalTriggeringEvent - in case the truth value changed to true in direct response to an event arriving, provides that event
    • quit

      public final void quit()
      Description copied from class: EvalStateNode
      Stops the event expression or an instance of it. Child classes are expected to free resources and stop any event listeners or remove any time-based callbacks.
      Specified by:
      quit in class EvalStateNode
    • accept

      public final void accept(EvalStateNodeVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from class: EvalStateNode
      Accept a visitor. Child classes are expected to invoke the visit method on the visitor instance passed in.
      Specified by:
      accept in class EvalStateNode
      visitor - on which the visit method is invoked by each node
    • isNotOperator

      public boolean isNotOperator()
      Specified by:
      isNotOperator in class EvalStateNode
    • isFilterStateNode

      public boolean isFilterStateNode()
      Specified by:
      isFilterStateNode in class EvalStateNode
    • isFilterChildNonQuitting

      public boolean isFilterChildNonQuitting()
      Specified by:
      isFilterChildNonQuitting in interface Evaluator
    • isObserverStateNodeNonRestarting

      public boolean isObserverStateNodeNonRestarting()
      Specified by:
      isObserverStateNodeNonRestarting in class EvalStateNode
    • toString

      public final String toString()
      toString in class Object