Package com.espertech.esper.common.internal.util
package com.espertech.esper.common.internal.util
Utility classes that center around Java type handling, printing, reflection, debugging
ClassDescriptionException to represent an error instantiating a class from a class name.Exception to represent a mismatch in Java types in an expression.Utility for handling collection or array tasks.A comparator on multikeys.A comparator on multikeys.A comparator on multikeys with string values and using the Collator for comparing.A comparator on multikeys.A comparator on multikeys.A comparator on multikeys with string values and using the Collator for comparing.Parser for configuration XML.Helper class to find and invoke a class constructors that matches the types of arguments supplied.Binding from database output column type to Java object.Enumeration of the different Java built-in types that are used to represent database output column values.Model of dependency of lookup, in which one stream supplies values for lookup in another stream.General pupose callback to destroy a resource and free it's underlying resources.Iterator over DOM nodes that positions between elements.Utility class that control debug-level logging in the execution path beyond which is controlled by Log4j.Exception to represent a circular dependency.Utility for working with acyclic graph: determines cyclic dependency and dependency-satisfying processing order.Utility class around indenting and formatting text.Writer that uses an underlying PrintWriter to indent output text for easy reading.Helper for questions about EPType and Classes.LazyAllocatedMap<K,
V> Utility for string comparison based on the Levenshtein algo.Utility for performing a SQL Like comparsion.Simple read-write lock based onReentrantReadWriteLock
that associates a name with the lock and traces read/write locking and unlocking.Used for retrieving static and instance method objects.Exception for resolution of a method failed.Exception for resolution of a method failed.Utility for CPU and wall time metrics.This is a very fast, non-cryptographic hash suitable for general hash-based lookup.A generic class to hold an object that may itself be a null value versus an undefined (not existing) value.A comparator on objects that takes a boolean array for ascending/descending.A comparator on objects that takes a boolean array for ascending/descending.Exception to indicate a parse error in parsing placeholders.Parser for strings with substitution parameters of the form ${parameter}.Fragment is a parse result, a parse results in an ordered list of fragments.Represents a parameter in a parsed string of texts and parameters.Represents a piece of text in a parse string with placeholder values.Utility class for loading or resolving external resources via URL and class path.Utility class for copying serializable objects via object input and output streams.Serializer<T>Input stream that relies on a simple byte array, unchecked.Output stream that relies on a simple byte array, unchecked.Interface for number coercion resulting in BigInteger.Interface for number coercion resulting in BigInteger.Interface for number coercion.Factory for conversion/coercion and widening implementations for numbers.Interface for casting.Cast implementation for non-numeric values that caches allowed casts assuming there is a small set of casts allowed.Factory for casters, which take an object and safely cast to a given type, performing coercion or dropping precision if required.Cast implementation for BigDecimal from object.Cast implementation for BigInteger from object.Cast implementation for char values.Parser of a String input to an object.A factory for creating an instance of a parser that parses a String and returns a target type.Parser of a String input to an object.Utility for mapping SQL types ofTypes
to Java classes.General purpose callback to stop a resource and free it's underlying resources.Stop callback that performs no action.Utility class for logging threading-related messages.TriConsumer<T,U, V> TriFunction<A,B, C, R> Interface for a type widener.Widerner that coerces to a widened boxed number.Factory for type widening.Type widner that coerces from String to char if required.Interface for a type widener.Utility for inspecting and comparing URI.Unique id generator based on Java 5UUID
, generates 36-character unique ids.