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Package Summary
Common API: Classes that are generally relevant to both the compiler API and the processEvent API.
This package defines the Esper EPL annotations, which prefix EPL statements for the purpose of adding statement
Configuration classes.
Configuration classes for the common section, which is relevant to both the compiler and the runtime
Configuration classes for the compiler section, which is only relevant to the compiler
Configuration classes for the runtime section, which is only relevant to the runtime
Context partition selection and descriptors.
Data flow are operators and infrastructure for declaring flows.
Data flow annotations.
Client API for data flows.
Client API for data flow io handlers.
Data flow utilities.
Classes related to fire-and-forget execution
Extension APIs and other callbacks.
Aggregation function (simple) extension API.
Aggregation multi-function extension API for aggregation functions that hold events, share state and/or operate with tables.
Conditions indicate special situations in the runtime.
Date-time method extension API.
Enumeration method extension API.
Callbacks for exception handling.
Invocation contexts for external code.
Injection strategies for compiler use.
Single-row user-defined-function extension API for stateless functions.
Type mapping callbacks.
Virtual data window extension API classes.
JSON processing related classes.
JSON event object interface and event sender.
JSON event object interface and event sender.
Event type additional information.
This package defines the Esper Client APIs for metrics reporting, and consists of the metrics reporting events
(enable via configuration).
EPL module object model.
Classes related to event rendering to JSON or XML format
Test framework classes.
Serdes are for serializing and de-serializing.
This package defines the Esper statement object model.
Classes that represent EPL types.
Client utility classes.
Classes for variable management
Compiler API: Compiles EPL to byte code.
Callbacks for use with the compiler to provide or override behavior.
Compiler-related utilities.
Runtime API: Runs compiled EPL.
Deployment option callbacks.
Plug-in loaders follow runtime lifecycle and typically are for providing simple adapters or other integrations.
Runtime-related classes for facilitating automated regression testing.
For staging deployments.
Adapter shared classes.