All Classes and Interfaces
A skeleton implementation for coordinated adapter reading, for adapters that
can do timestamp-coordinated input.
Base class for sendable event, provides timestamp and schedule slot.
Sender that abstracts the send processin terms of threading or further pre-processing.
Coercer for type conversion.
A AdapterCoordinator coordinates several Adapters so that the events they
send into the runtime runtime arrive in some well-defined order, in
effect making the several Adapters into one large sending Adapter.
An implementation of AdapterCoordinator.
An input source for adapters.
Coercer for using the constructor to perform the coercion.
Date format coercion.
An Adapter that can be coordinated by an AdapterCoordinator.
An event Adapter that uses a CSV file for a source.
A spec for CSVAdapters.
A utility for resolving property order information based on a
propertyTypes map and the first record of a CSV file (which
might represent the title row).
A source that processes a CSV file and returns CSV records
from that file.
A wrapper for a Reader or an InputStream.
Sender that sends without a threadpool.
Created for ESPER.
Marshals the response out of the event bean into a jms map message.
Created for ESPER.
Interface for a marshaller that creates a JMS message given a JMS session and event.
Interface for a un-marshaller that takes a JMS message and creates or wraps an event object for use to
send as an event into an runtime instance.
Implements a JMS output adapter.
Represents the JMS-aspects of a subscription.
Convenience class: an implementation of
straightforward blocking semantics.Encapsulates an arbitrary message - simple "bean" holder structure.
An implementation of SendableEvent that wraps a Map event for
sending into the runtime.
A wrapper that packages an event up so that it can be
sent into the caller-specified runtime.
A comparator that orders SendableEvents first on sendTime, and
then on schedule slot.
An implementation of SendableEvent that wraps a Map event for
sending into the runtime.
Implementation of Sender to send to esper runtime using a thread pool
Supplies properties for use in configuration files to configure Spring application context.
Loader for Spring-configured input and output adapters.
Input adapter for receiving runtime from the JMS world using Spring JMS templates and sending these to an runtime.
Output adapter for sending runtime events out into the JMS world using Spring JMS templates.