Package com.espertech.esperio.jms
package com.espertech.esperio.jms
Spring-JMS Adapter and marshalling.
ClassDescriptionCreated for ESPER.Marshals the response out of the event bean into a jms map message.Created for ESPER.Interface for a marshaller that creates a JMS message given a JMS session and event.Interface for a un-marshaller that takes a JMS message and creates or wraps an event object for use to send as an event into an runtime instance.Implements a JMS output adapter.Represents the JMS-aspects of a subscription.Supplies properties for use in configuration files to configure Spring application context.Loader for Spring-configured input and output adapters.Input adapter for receiving runtime from the JMS world using Spring JMS templates and sending these to an runtime.Output adapter for sending runtime events out into the JMS world using Spring JMS templates.