Uses of Package
Packages that use com.espertech.esper.common.internal.bytecodemodel.base
Configuration classes for the common section, which is relevant to both the compiler and the runtime
Injection strategies for compiler use.
Client utility classes.
Byte-Code-Generation Classes
Byte-Code-Generation Core
Byte-Code-Generation Expression Model
Byte-Code-Generation Statement Model
Byte-Code-Generation Utility Classes
Contains EPL statement specification classes define the constructs that make up an EPL statement,
such as the list of items in the select clause, the insert-into stream name and property names etc.
Aggregation utility classes centered around local group-by parameters.
Classes for EPL annotation processing.
Approximation algos.
Data flow operator and related interface.
Date-Time calendar operations.
Date-time evaluators
Date-Time methods and related utility classes.
Interval algebra.
Interval delta expression evaluation
Date-Time re-formatting operations.
Enumeration method utility classes and input data sources.
Enumeration method implementations.
Enumeration method implementations for "except", "intersect" and "union".
Enumeration method implementations for "noop".
Enumeration method implementations for "reverse".
Enumeration method implementations for "sequenceequal".
Enumeration method implementations for "take" and "takelast".
Enumeration method implementations for plug-in enumeration methods.
Enumeration method implementations for "allof" and "anyof".
Enumeration method implementations for "arrayof".
Enumeration method implementations for "average".
Enumeration base method implementations for zero-parameter and lambda-one-parameter with up to three forms: selector, index, size.
Enumeration method implementations for "count".
Enumeration method implementations for "distinctof".
Enumeration method implementations for "firstof" and "lastof".
Enumeration method implementations for "groupby" one-parameter.
Enumeration method implementations for "min" and "max".
Enumeration method implementations for "minby" and "maxby".
Enumeration method implementations for "mostfrequent" and "leastfrequent".
Enumeration method implementations for "orderby".
Enumeration method implementations for "selectfrom".
Enumeration method implementations for "sumof".
Enumeration method implementations for "takewhile" and "takewhilelast".
Enumeration method implementations for "where".
Enumeration method base implementations for enum methods that have a two-lambda form.
Enumeration method implementations for "groupby" two-parameter.
Enumeration method implementations for "tomap".
Expression dot-method innerForge evaluators.
'Previous'-group indexExpressions.
'Prior'-group indexExpressionTexts.
Poll result indexing strategies.
Polled executions for use with method-invocation joins
Quad-tree indexes
Advanced index provisioning
Outer join result set assembly code
Result set processor for Aggregated and Grouped
Order-by and row-limit processors
Result set processor for Aggregated and Un-Grouped
Result set processor for Fully-Aggregated and Grouped
Result set processor for Rollup
Match-recognize core.
Match-recognize NFA.
Script expression evaluation.
Helpers for EPL update functionality.
Object-array event type.
JavaBean and legacy Java underlying event classes are here.
This package defines the internal event APIs.
Map-underlying event classes are here.
Utilities around event rendering are here.
Event wrap refers to adding properties to an existing event
XML event wrappers
Internal primitive, enum and other type representations
Utility classes that center around Java type handling, printing, reflection, debugging
Classes in com.espertech.esper.common.internal.bytecodemodel.base used by com.espertech.esper.common.internal.bytecodemodel.coreClassDescription
Classes in com.espertech.esper.common.internal.bytecodemodel.base used by com.espertech.esper.common.internal.context.aifactory.coreClassDescription
Classes in com.espertech.esper.common.internal.bytecodemodel.base used by com.espertech.esper.common.internal.epl.expression.codegenClassDescription
Classes in com.espertech.esper.common.internal.bytecodemodel.base used by com.espertech.esper.common.internal.epl.expression.subqueryClassDescription