All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LeafAssemblyNode extends BaseAssemblyNode
Assembly node for an event stream that is a leaf with a no child nodes below it.
  • Constructor Details

    • LeafAssemblyNode

      public LeafAssemblyNode(int streamNum, int numStreams)
      streamNum - - is the stream number
      numStreams - - is the number of streams
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init(List<Node>[] result)
      Description copied from class: BaseAssemblyNode
      Provides results to assembly nodes for initialization.
      Specified by:
      init in class BaseAssemblyNode
      result - is a list of result nodes per stream
    • process

      public void process(List<Node>[] result, Collection<EventBean[]> resultFinalRows, EventBean resultRootEvent)
      Description copied from class: BaseAssemblyNode
      Process results.
      Specified by:
      process in class BaseAssemblyNode
      result - is a list of result nodes per stream
      resultFinalRows - final row collection
      resultRootEvent - root event
    • result

      public void result(EventBean[] row, int streamNum, EventBean myEvent, Node myNode, Collection<EventBean[]> resultFinalRows, EventBean resultRootEvent)
      Description copied from interface: ResultAssembler
      Publish a result row.
      row - is the result to publish
      streamNum - is the originitor that publishes the row
      myEvent - is optional and is the event that led to the row result
      myNode - is optional and is the result node of the event that led to the row result
      resultFinalRows - is the final result rows
      resultRootEvent - root event
    • print

      public void print(IndentWriter indentWriter)
      Description copied from class: BaseAssemblyNode
      Output this node using writer, not outputting child nodes.
      Specified by:
      print in class BaseAssemblyNode
      indentWriter - to use for output