Interface ResultAssembler

All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseAssemblyNode, BranchOptionalAssemblyNode, BranchRequiredAssemblyNode, CartesianProdAssemblyNode, LeafAssemblyNode, LookupInstructionExecNode.MyResultAssembler, RootCartProdAssemblyNode, RootOptionalAssemblyNode, RootRequiredAssemblyNode

public interface ResultAssembler
Interface for indicating a result in the form of a single row of multiple events, which could represent either a full result over all streams or a partial result over a subset of streams.
  • Method Details

    • result

      void result(EventBean[] row, int fromStreamNum, EventBean myEvent, Node myNode, Collection<EventBean[]> resultFinalRows, EventBean resultRootEvent)
      Publish a result row.
      row - is the result to publish
      fromStreamNum - is the originitor that publishes the row
      myEvent - is optional and is the event that led to the row result
      myNode - is optional and is the result node of the event that led to the row result
      resultFinalRows - is the final result rows
      resultRootEvent - root event