
Chapter 10. EPL Reference: Functions

10.1. Single-Row Function Reference
10.1.1. The Case Control Flow Function
10.1.2. The Cast Function
10.1.3. The Coalesce Function
10.1.4. The Current_Evaluation_Context Function
10.1.5. The Current_Timestamp Function
10.1.6. The Event_Identity_Equals Function
10.1.7. The Exists Function
10.1.8. The Grouping Function
10.1.9. The Grouping_Id Function
10.1.10. The Instance-Of Function
10.1.11. The Istream Function
10.1.12. The Min and Max Functions
10.1.13. The Previous Function
10.1.14. The Previous-Tail Function
10.1.15. The Previous-Window Function
10.1.16. The Previous-Count Function
10.1.17. The Prior Function
10.1.18. The Type-Of Function
10.2. Aggregation Functions
10.2.1. SQL-Standard Functions
10.2.2. Event Aggregation Functions
10.2.3. Approximation Aggregation Functions
10.2.4. Additional Aggregation Functions
10.3. User-Defined Functions
10.4. Select-Clause Transpose Function
10.4.1. Transpose with Insert-Into

Single-row functions return a single value for every single result row generated by your statement. These functions can appear anywhere where expressions are allowed.

EPL allows static Java library methods as single-row functions, and also features built-in single-row functions. In addition, EPL allows instance method invocations on named streams.

You may also register your own single-row function name with the compiler so that your statements become less cluttered. This is described in detail in Section 22.2, “Single-Row Function”. Single-row functions that return an object can be chained.

The compiler auto-imports the following Java library packages:

  • java.lang.*

  • java.math.*

  • java.text.*

  • java.util.*

Thus Java static library methods can be used in all expressions as shown in below example:

select symbol, Math.round(volume/1000)
from StockTickEvent#time(30 sec)

In general, arbitrary Java class names have to be fully qualified (e.g. java.lang.Math) but EPL provides a mechanism for user-controlled imports of classes and packages as outlined in Section 17.4.2, “Class and Package Imports”.

The below table outlines the built-in single-row functions available.

Table 10.1. Syntax and Results of Single-Row Functions

Single-row FunctionResult
case value 
  when compare_value then result
  [when compare_value then result ...] 
  [else result] 

Returns result where the first value equals compare_value.

  when condition then result
  [when condition then result ...] 
  [else result] 

Returns the result for the first condition that is true.

cast(expression, type_name)

Casts the result of an expression to the given type.

coalesce(expression, expression [, expression ...])

Returns the first non-null value in the list, or null if there are no non-null values.


Returns an object containing the runtime URI, statement name and context partition id (when applicable).


Returns the current runtime time as a long value. Reserved keyword with optional parenthesis.


Returns true if the dynamic property exists for the event, or false if the property does not exist.

instanceof(expression, type_name [, type_name ...])

Returns true if the expression returns an object whose type is one of the types listed.


Returns true if the event is part of the insert stream and false if the event is part of the remove stream.

max(expression, expression [, expression ...])

Returns the highest numeric value among the 2 or more comma-separated expressions.

min(expression, expression [, expression ...])

Returns the lowest numeric value among the 2 or more comma-separated expressions.

prev(expression, event_property)

Returns a property value or all properties of a previous event, relative to the event order within a data window, or according to an optional index parameter (N) the positional Nth-from-last value.

prevtail(expression, event_property)

Returns a property value or all properties of the first event in a data window relative to the event order within a data window, or according to an optional index parameter (N) the positional Nth-from-first value.


Returns a single property value of all events or all properties of all events in a data window in the order that reflects the sort order of the data window.


Returns the count of events (number of data points) in a data window.

prior(expression, event_property)

Returns a property value of a prior event, relative to the natural order of arrival of events


If expression is a stream name, returns the event type name of the evaluated event, often used with variant streams. If expression is a property name or expression, returns the name of the expression result type.

The case control flow function has two versions. The first version takes a value and a list of compare values to compare against, and returns the result where the first value equals the compare value. The second version takes a list of conditions and returns the result for the first condition that is true.

The return type of a case expression is the compatible aggregated type of all return values.

The case expression is sometimes used with the new operator to return multiple results, see Section 9.13, “The 'New' Keyword”.

The example below shows the first version of a case statement. It has a String return type and returns the value 'one'.

select case myexpression when 1 then 'one' when 2 then 'two' else 'more' end from ...

The second version of the case function takes a list of conditions. The next example has a Boolean return type and returns the boolean value true.

select case when 1>0 then true else false end from ...

The cast function casts the return type of an expression to a designated type. The function accepts two parameters: The first parameter is the property name or expression that returns the value to be casted. The second parameter is the type to cast to. You can use the as keyword instead of comma (,) to separate parameters.

Valid parameters for the second (type) parameter are:

  • Any of the Java built-in types: int, long, byte, short, char, double, float, string, BigInteger, BigDecimal, where string is a short notation for java.lang.String and BigInteger as well as BigDecimal are the classes in java.math. The type name is not case-sensitive. Use [] for array types. For example:

    cast(price, double)

  • The fully-qualified class name of the class to cast to, for example:

    cast(product as org.myproducer.Product)

  • For parsing date-time values, any of the date-time types: date, calendar, long, localdatetime, zoneddatetime, localdate, localtime. For these types the dateformat parameter is required as discussed below.

The cast function is often used to provide a type for dynamic (unchecked) properties. Dynamic properties are properties whose type is not known at compile type. These properties are always of type java.lang.Object.

The cast function as shown in the next statement casts the dynamic "price" property of an "item" in the OrderEvent to a double value.

select cast(item.price?, double) from OrderEvent

The cast function returns a null value if the expression result cannot be casted to the desired type, or if the expression result itself is null.

The cast function adheres to the following type conversion rules:

  • For all numeric types, the cast function utilitzes java.lang.Number to convert numeric types, if required.

  • For casts to string or java.lang.String, the function calls toString on the expression result.

  • For casts to other objects including application objects, the cast function considers a Java class's superclasses as well as all directly or indirectly-implemented interfaces by superclasses.

The cast function can parse string-type date-time values to long-type milliseconds, Date, Calendar, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime, LocalDate and LocalTime objects.

You must provide the dateformat named parameter as the last parameter to the cast function. The dateformat parameter expression must return a String-typed value, a SimpleDateFormat-type value or a DateTimeFormatter-type value. Return a SimpleDateFormat for long/Date/Calendar. Return a DateTimeFormatter for LocalDateTime/ZonedDateTime/LocalDate/LocalTime.

The next EPL outputs the date May 2, 2010 as a Date-type value:

select cast('20100502', date, dateformat: 'yyyyMMdd') from OrderEvent

You may use date-time methods when cast is returning a date-time value. Expressions can be any expression and do not need to be string constants.

You may parse dates that are ISO 8601-formatted dates by specifying iso as the date format. The ISO 8601 date format is described in Section, “Specifying Dates”.

For example, assuming the orderDate property is a ISO 8601 formatted date, the runtime can convert it to a long millisecond value like this:

select cast(orderDate, long, dateformat: 'iso') from OrderEvent

The next table shows the recognized date types available:

Additional examples are:

select cast(orderDate, localdatetime, dateformat:java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME) from OrderEvent
select cast(orderDate, calendar, dateformat:SimpleDateFormat.getInstance()) from OrderEvent

The grouping_id function is a SQL-standard function useful in statements that have a group by-clause and that utilize one of the rollup, cube or grouping sets keywords. The function can be used only in the select-clause, having-clause and order by-clauses.

The function takes one or more expressions as a parameter and returns an integer value indicating grouping level. The runtime computes the grouping level by taking the results of multiple grouping functions and concatenating them into a bit vector (a string of ones and zeros).

Assume a car event that has a property for name, place and number of cars:

create schema CarEvent(name string, place string, numcars int)

The next EPL computes the total number of cars for each of the following groupings: per name and place, per name, per place and overall.

select name, place, sum(numcars), grouping(name), grouping(place), grouping_id(name, place)
from CarEvent group by grouping sets((name, place),name, place,())

Assume your application processes a car event with properties like so: CarEvent={name='skoda', place='france', numcars=100}.

The runtime outputs 4 rows as shown in the next table:

Assume your application processes a second car event: CarEvent={name='skoda', place='germany', numcars=75}.

The runtime outputs 4 rows as shown in the next table:

The parameter expressions must match exactly to expressions in the group-by-clause.

The instanceof function returns a boolean value indicating whether the type of value returned by the expression is one of the given types. The first parameter to the instanceof function is an expression to evaluate. The second and subsequent parameters are Java type names.

The function determines the return type of the expression at runtime by evaluating the expression, and compares the type of object returned by the expression to the defined types. If the type of object returned by the expression matches any of the given types, the function returns true. If the expression returned null or a type that does not match any of the given types, the function returns false.

The instanceof function is often used in conjunction with dynamic (unchecked) properties. Dynamic properties are properties whose type is not known at compile type.

This example uses the instanceof function to select different properties based on the type:

select case when instanceof(item, com.mycompany.Service) then serviceName?
  when instanceof(item, com.mycompany.Product) then productName? end 
  from OrderEvent

The instanceof function returns false if the expression tested by instanceof returned null.

Valid parameters for the type parameter list are:

  • Any of the Java built-in types: int, long, byte, short, char, double, float, string, where string is a short notation for java.lang.String. The type name is not case-sensitive. For example, the next function tests if the dynamic "price" property is either of type float or type double:

    instanceof(price?, double, float)

  • The fully-qualified class name of the class to cast to, for example:

    instanceof(product, org.myproducer.Product)

The function considers an event class's superclasses as well as all the directly or indirectly-implemented interfaces by superclasses.

The prev function returns the property value or all event properties of a previous event. For data windows that introduce a sort order other than the order of arrival, such as the sorted data window and the time order data window, the function returns the event at the specified position.

The prev function is not an aggregation function and therefore does not return results per group when used with group by. Please consider the last, lastever or first aggregation functions instead as described in Section 10.2.2, “Event Aggregation Functions”. You must use an aggregation function instead of prev when querying a named window or table.

The first parameter to the prev function is an index parameter and denotes the i-th previous event, in the order established by the data window. If no index is provided, the default index is 1 and the function returns the previous event. The second parameter is a property name or stream name. If specifying a property name, the function returns the value for the previous event property value. If specifying a stream name, the function returns the previous event underlying object.

This example selects the value of the price property of the 2nd-previous event from the current Trade event:

select prev(2, price) from Trade#length(10)

By using the stream alias in the previous function, the next example selects the trade event itself that is immediately previous to the current Trade event

select prev(1, trade) from Trade#length(10) as trade

Since the prev function takes the order established by the data window into account, the function works well with sorted windows.

In the following example the statement selects the symbol of the 3 Trade events that had the largest, second-largest and third-largest volume.

select prev(0, symbol), prev(1, symbol), prev(2, symbol)
  from Trade#sort(3, volume desc)

The i-th previous event parameter can also be an expression returning an Integer-type value. The next statement joins the Trade data window with an RankSelectionEvent event that provides a rank property used to look up a certain position in the sorted Trade data window:

select prev(rank, symbol) from Trade#sort(10, volume desc), RankSelectionEvent unidirectional

Use the prev function in combination with a grouped data window to access a previous event per grouping criteria.

The example below returns the price of the previous Trade event for the same symbol, or null if for that symbol there is no previous Trade event:

select prev(1, price) from Trade#groupwin(symbol)#length(2)

The prev function returns a null value if the data window does not currently hold the i-th previous event. The example below illustrates this using a time batch window. Here the prev function returns a null value for any events in which the previous event is not in the same batch of events. Note that the prior function as discussed below can be used if a null value is not the desired result.

select prev(1, symbol) from Trade#time_batch(1 min)

An alternative form of the prev function allows the index to not appear or appear after the property name if the index value is a constant and not an expression:

select prev(1, symbol) from Trade
// ... equivalent to ...
select prev(symbol) from Trade
// ... and ...
select prev(symbol, 1) from Trade

The combination of the prev function and #groupwin returns the property value for a previous event in the given data window group.

The following example returns for each event the current smallest price per symbol:

select symbol, prev(0, price) as topPricePerSymbol 
from Trade#groupwin(symbol)#sort(1, price asc)

The prevtail function returns the property value or all event properties of the positional-first event in a data window. For data windows that introduce a sort order other than the order of arrival, such as the sorted data window and the time order data window, the function returns the first event at the specified position.

The prevtail function is not an aggregation function and therefore does not return results per group when used with group by. Please consider the first, firstever or window aggregation functions instead as described in Section 10.2.2, “Event Aggregation Functions”. You must use an aggregation function instead of prevtail when querying a named window or table.

The first parameter is an index parameter and denotes the i-th from-first event in the order established by the data window. If no index is provided the default is zero and the function returns the first event in the data window. The second parameter is a property name or stream name. If specifying a property name, the function returns the value for the previous event property value. If specifying a stream name, the function returns the previous event underlying object.

This example selects the value of the price property of the first (oldest) event held in the length window:

select prevtail(price) from Trade#length(10)

By using the stream alias in the prevtail function, the next example selects the trade event itself that is the second event held in the length window:

select prevtail(1, trade) from Trade#length(10) as trade

Since the prevtail function takes the order established by the data window into account, the function works well with sorted windows.

In the following example the statement selects the symbol of the 3 Trade events that had the smallest, second-smallest and third-smallest volume.

select prevtail(0, symbol), prevtail(1, symbol), prevtail(2, symbol)
  from Trade#sort(3, volume asc)

The i-th previous event parameter can also be an expression returning an Integer-type value. The next statement joins the Trade data window with an RankSelectionEvent event that provides a rank property used to look up a certain position in the sorted Trade data window:

select prevtail(rank, symbol) from Trade#sort(10, volume asc), RankSelectionEvent unidirectional

The prev function returns a null value if the data window does not currently holds positional-first or the Nth-from-first event. For batch data windows the value returned is relative to the current batch.

The following example returns the first and second symbol value in the batch:

select prevtail(0, symbol), prevtail(1, symbol) from Trade#time_batch(1 min)

An alternative form of the prevtail function allows the index to not appear or appear after the property name if the index value is a constant and not an expression:

select prevtail(1, symbol) from Trade
// ... equivalent to ...
select prevtail(symbol) from Trade
// ... and ...
select prevtail(symbol, 1) from Trade

The combination of the prevtail function and #groupwin returns the property value for a positional first event in the given data window group.

Let's look at an example. This statement outputs the oldest price per symbol retaining the last 10 prices per symbol:

select symbol, prevtail(0, price) as oldestPrice
from Trade#groupwin(symbol)#length(10)

The prevwindow function returns property values or all event properties for all events in a data window. For data windows that introduce a sort order other than the order of arrival, such as the sorted data window and the time order data window, the function returns the event data sorted in that order, otherwise it returns the events sorted by order of arrival with the newest arriving event first.

The prevwindow function is not an aggregation function and therefore does not return results per group when used with group by. Please consider the window aggregation function instead as described in Section 10.2.2, “Event Aggregation Functions”. You must use an aggregation function instead of prevwindow when querying a named window or table.

The single parameter is a property name or stream name. If specifying a property name, the function returns the value of the event property for all events held by the data window. If specifying a stream name, the function returns the event underlying object for all events held by the data window.

This example selects the value of the price property of all events held in the length window:

select prevwindow(price) from Trade#length(10)

By using the stream alias in the prevwindow function, the next example selects all trade events held in the length window:

select prevwindow(trade) from Trade#length(10) as trade

When used with a data window that introduces a certain sort order, the prevwindow function returns events sorted according to that sort order.

The next statement outputs for every arriving event the current 10 underying trade event objects that have the largest volume:

select prevwindow(trade) from Trade#sort(10, volume desc) as trade

The prevwindow function returns a null value if the data window does not currently hold any events.

The combination of the prevwindow function and #groupwin returns the property value(s) for all events in the given data window group.

This example statement outputs all prices per symbol retaining the last 10 prices per symbol:

select symbol, prevwindow(price) from Trade#groupwin(symbol)#length(10)

The prevcount function returns the number of events held in a data window.

The prevcount function is not an aggregation function and therefore does not return results per group when used with group by. Please consider the count(*) or countever aggregation functions instead as described in Section 10.2, “Aggregation Functions”. You must use an aggregation function instead of prevcount when querying a named window or table.

The single parameter is a property name or stream name of the data window to return the count for.

This example selects the number of data points for the price property held in the length window:

select prevcount(price) from Trade#length(10)

By using the stream alias in the prevcount function the next example selects the count of trade events held in the length window:

select prevcount(trade) from Trade#length(10) as trade

The combination of the prevcount function and #groupwin returns the count of events in the given data window group.

This example statement outputs the number of events retaining the last 10 events per symbol:

select symbol, prevcount(price) from Trade#groupwin(symbol)#length(10)

The typeof function, when parameterized by a stream name, returns the event type name of the evaluated event which can be useful with variant streams. When parameterized by an expression or property name, the function returns the type name of the expression result or null if the expression result is null.

In summary, the function determines the return type of the expression at runtime by evaluating the expression and returns the type name of the expression result.

The typeof function is often used in conjunction with variant streams. A variant stream is a predefined stream into which events of multiple disparate event types can be inserted. The typeof function, when passed a stream name alias, returns the name of the event type of each event in the stream.

The following example elaborates on the use of variant streams with typeof. The first statement declares a variant stream SequencePatternStream:

create variant schema SequencePatternStream as *

The next statement inserts all order events and is followed by a statement to insert all product events:

insert into SequencePatternStream select * from OrderEvent;
insert into SequencePatternStream select * from PriceEvent;

This example statement returns the event type name for each event in the variant stream:

select typeof(sps) from SequencePatternStream as sps

The next example statement detects a pattern by utilizing the typeof function to find pairs of order event immediately followed by product event:

select * from SequencePatternStream match_recognize(
  measures A as a, B as b
  pattern (A B)
  define A as typeof(A) = "OrderEvent",
         B as typeof(B) = "ProductEvent"

When passing a property name to the typeof function, the function evaluates whether the property type is event type (a fragment event type). If the property type is event type, the function returns the type name of the event in the property value or null if not provided. If the property type is not event type, the function returns the simple class name of the property value.

When passing an expression to the typeof function, the function evaluates the expression and returns the simple class name of the expression result value or null if the expression result value is null.

This example statement returns the simple class name of the value of the dynamic property prop of events in stream MyStream, or a null value if the property is not found for an event or the property value itself is null:

select typeof(prop?) from MyStream

When using subclasses or interface implementations as event classes or when using Map-event type inheritance, the function returns the event type name provided when the class or Map-type event was registered, or if the event type was not registered, the function returns the fully-qualified class name.

Aggregation functions are stateful and consider sets of events or value points. The group by clause is often used in conjunction with aggregation functions to group the result-set by one or more columns.

Aggregation functions can be a column type for table declarations. This allows easy sharing of aggregated state, co-location of aggregations and other data as well as co-aggregation by multiple statements into the same aggregation state. Please see Section 6.1.2, “Table Overview” for details.

The EPL language extends the standard SQL aggregation functions by allowing filters and by further useful aggregation functions that can track a data window or compute event rates, for example. Your application may also add its own aggregation function as Section 22.5, “Aggregation Function” describes.

The EPL language allows each aggregation function to specify its own grouping criteria. Please find further information in Section 5.6.4, “Specifying Grouping for Each Aggregation Function”.

The EPL language allows each aggregation function to specify its own filter criteria. Please find further information in Section 5.6.5, “Specifying a Filter Expression for Each Aggregation Function”.

Aggregation values are always computed incrementally: Insert and remove streams result in aggregation value changes. The exceptions are fire-and-forget queries and joins when using the unidirectional keyword. Aggregation functions are optimized to retain the minimal information necessary to compute the aggregated result, and to share aggregation state between eligible other aggregation functions in the same statement so that same-kind aggregation state is never held multiple times unless required.

Most aggregation functions can also be used with unbound streams when no data window is specified. A few aggregation functions require a data window or named window as documented below.

The SQL-standard aggregation functions are shown in below table.

Table 10.5. Syntax and Results of SQL-Standard Aggregation Functions

Aggregate FunctionResult
avedev([all|distinct] expression [, filter_expr])

Mean deviation of the (distinct) values in the expression, returning a value of double type.

The optional filter expression limits the values considered for computing the mean deviation.

avg([all|distinct] expression [, filter_expr])

Average of the (distinct) values in the expression, returning a value of double type.

The optional filter expression limits the values considered for computing the average.

count([all|distinct] expression [, filter_expr])

Number of the (distinct) non-null values in the expression, returning a value of long type.

The optional filter expression limits the values considered for the count.

Further detail on key expressions that return arrays can be found at Section 5.2.13, “Composite Keys and Array Values as Keys”.

count(* [, filter_expr])

Number of events, returning a value of long type.

The optional filter expression limits the values considered for the count.

max([all|distinct] expression)

fmax([all|distinct] expression, filter_expr)

Highest (distinct) value in the expression, returning a value of the same type as the expression itself returns.

Use fmax to provide a filter expression that limits the values considered for computing the maximum.

Consider using maxby instead if return values must include additional properties.

maxever([all|distinct] expression)

fmaxever([all|distinct] expression, filter_expr)

Highest (distinct) value - ever - in the expression, returning a value of the same type as the expression itself returns.

Use fmaxever to provide a filter expression that limits the values considered for computing the maximum.

Consider using maxbyever instead if return values must include additional properties.

median([all|distinct] expression [, filter_expr])

Median (distinct) value in the expression, returning a value of double type. Double Not-a-Number (NaN) values are ignored in the median computation.

The optional filter expression limits the values considered for computing the median.

min([all|distinct] expression)

fmin([all|distinct] expression, filter_expr)

Lowest (distinct) value in the expression, returning a value of the same type as the expression itself returns.

Use fmin to provide a filter expression that limits the values considered for computing the maximum.

Consider using minby instead if return values must include additional properties.

minever([all|distinct] expression)

fminever([all|distinct] expression, filter_expr)

Lowest (distinct) value - ever - in the expression, returning a value of the same type as the expression itself returns.

Use fminever to provide a filter expression that limits the values considered for computing the maximum.

Consider using minbyever instead if return values must include additional properties.

stddev([all|distinct] expression [, filter_expr])

Standard deviation of the (distinct) values in the expression, returning a value of double type.

The optional filter expression limits the values considered for computing the standard deviation.

sum([all|distinct] expression [, filter_expr])

Totals the (distinct) values in the expression, returning a value of long, double, float or integer type depending on the expression.

The optional filter expression limits the values considered for computing the total.

If your application provides double-type values to an aggregation function, avoid using Not-a-Number (NaN) and infinity. Also when using double-type values, round-off errors (or rounding errors) may occur due to double-type precision. Consider rounding your result value to the desired precision.

Each of the aggregation functions above takes an optional filter expression as a parameter. The filter expression must return a boolean-type value and applies to the events considered for the aggregation. If a filter expression is provided, then only if the filter expression returns a value of true does the runtime update the aggregation for that event or combination of events.

Consider the following example, which computes the quantity fraction of buy orders among all orders:

select sum(quantity, side='buy') / sum(quantity) as buy_fraction from Orders

Use the fmin and fmax aggregation functions instead of the min and max aggregation functions when providing a filter expression (the min and max functions are also single-row functions).

The next example computes the minimum quantity for buy orders and a separate minimum quantity for sell orders:

select fmin(quantity, side='buy'), fmin(quantity, side = 'sell') from Orders

This sample statement demonstrates specifying grouping criteria for an aggregation function using the group_by named parameter. It computes, for the last one minute of orders, the ratio of orders per account compared to all orders:

select count(*)/count(*, group_by:()) as ratio from Orders#time(1 min) group by account

The event aggregation functions return one or more events or event properties. When used with group by the event aggregation functions return one or more events or event properties per group.

The sorted and the window event aggregation functions require that a data window or named window is declared for the applicable stream. They cannot be used on unbound streams.

The below table summarizes the event aggregation functions available:

Table 10.6. Event Aggregation Functions


Returns the first event or an event property value of the first event.

Section, “First Aggregation Function”.


Returns the last event or an event property value of the last event.

Section, “Last Aggregation Function”.


Returns the event with the highest sorted value according to criteria expressions.

Section, “Maxby Aggregation Function”.


Returns the event with the highest sorted value, ever, according to criteria expressions.

Section, “Maxbyever Aggregation Function”.


Returns the event with the lowest sorted value according to criteria expressions.

Section, “Minby Aggregation Function”.


Returns the event with the lowest sorted value, ever, according to criteria expressions.

Section, “Minbyever Aggregation Function”.


Returns events sorted according to criteria expressions.

Section, “Sorted Aggregation Function”.

Also see Section 13.3, “Aggregation Methods for Sorted Aggregations” for methods such as lowerKey or higherKey that operate on sorted aggregation state.


Returns all events or all event's property values.

Section, “Window Aggregation Function”.

Also see Section 13.4, “Aggregation Methods for Window Aggregations” for methods such as first or countEvents that operate on window aggregation state.

In connection with named windows and tables, event aggregation functions can also be used in on-select, selects with named window or table in the from clause, subqueries against named windows or tables and fire-and-forget queries.

The event aggregation functions are often useful in connection with enumeration methods and they can provide input events for enumeration. Please see Chapter 11, EPL Reference: Enumeration Methods for more information.

When comparing the last aggregation function to the prev function, the differences are as follows. The prev function is not an aggregation function and thereby not sensitive to the presence of group by. The prev function accesses data window contents directly and respects the sort order of the data window. The last aggregation function returns results based on arrival order and tracks data window contents in a separate shared data structure.

When comparing the first aggregation function to the prevtail function, the differences are as follows. The prevtail function is not an aggregation function and thereby not sensitive to the presence of group by. The prevtail function accesses data window contents directly and respects the sort order of the data window. The first aggregation function returns results based on arrival order and tracks data window contents in a separate shared data structure.

When comparing the window aggregation function to the prevwindow function, the differences are as follows. The prevwindow function is not an aggregation function and thereby not sensitive to the presence of group by. The prevwindow function accesses data window contents directly and respects the sort order of the data window. The window aggregation function returns results based on arrival order and tracks data window contents in a separate shared data structure.

When comparing the count aggregation function to the prevcount function, the differences are as follows. The prevcount function is not an aggregation function and thereby not sensitive to the presence of group by.

When comparing the last aggregation function to the nth aggregation function, the differences are as follows. The nth aggregation function does not consider out-of-order deletes (for example with on-delete and sorted windows) and does not revert to the prior expression value when the last event or nth-event was deleted from a data window. The last aggregation function tracks the data window and reflects out-of-order deletes.

From an implementation perspective, the first, last and window aggregation functions share a common data structure for each stream. The sorted, minby and maxby aggregation functions share a common data structure for each stream.

The synopsis for the first aggregation function is:

first(*|stream.*|value_expression [, index_expression] [, filter:filter_expression])

The first aggregation function returns properties of the very first event. When used with group by, it returns properties of the first event for each group. When specifying an index expression, the function returns properties of the Nth-subsequent event to the first event, all according to order of arrival.

The first parameter to the function is required and defines the event properties or expression result to return. The second parameter is an optional index_expression that must return an integer value used as an index to evaluate the Nth-subsequent event to the first event.

You may specify the wildcard (*) character in which case the function returns the underlying event of the single selected stream. When selecting a single stream you may specify no parameter instead of wildcard. For joins and subqueries you must use the stream wildcard syntax below.

You may specify the stream name and wildcard (*) character in the stream.* syntax. This returns the underlying event for the specified stream.

You may specify a value_expression to evaluate for the first event. The value expression may not select properties from multiple streams.

The index_expression is optional. If no index expression is provided, the function returns the first event. If present, the function evaluates the index expression to determine the value for N, and evaluates the Nth-subsequent event to the first event. A value of zero returns the first event and a value of 1 returns the event subsequent to the first event. You may not specify event properties in the index expression.

The function returns null if there are no events or when the index is larger than the number of events held. When used with group by, it returns null if there are no events for that group or when the index is larger than the number of events held for that group.

To explain, consider the statement below which selects the underlying event of the first sensor event held by the length window of 2 events.

select first(*) from SensorEvent#length(2) 

Assume event E1, event E2 and event E3 are of type SensorEvent. When event E1 arrives the statement outputs the underlying event E1. When event E2 arrives the statement again outputs the underlying event E1. When event E3 arrives the statement outputs the underlying event E2, since event E1 has left the data window.

The stream wildcard syntax is useful for joins and subqueries. This example demonstrates a subquery that returns the first SensorEvent when a DoorEvent arrives:

select (select first(se.*) from SensorEvent#length(2) as se) from DoorEvent 

The following example shows the use of an index expression. The output value for f1 is the temperature property value of the first event, the value for f2 is the temperature property value of the second event:

select first(temperature, 0) as f1, first(temperature, 1) as f2
from SensorEvent#time(10 sec)

You may use dot-syntax to invoke a method on the first event. You may also append a property name using dot-syntax.

The synopsis for the last aggregation function is:

last(*|stream.*|value_expression [, index_expression][, filter:filter_expression])

The last aggregation function returns properties of the very last event. When used with group by, it returns properties of the last event for each group. When specifying an index expression, the function returns properties of the Nth-prior event to the last event, all according to order of arrival.

Similar to the first aggregation function described above, you may specify the wildcard (*) character, no parameter or stream name and wildcard (*) character or a value_expression to evaluate for the last event.

The index_expression is optional. If no index expression is provided, the function returns the last event. If present, the function evaluates the index expression to determine the value for N, and evaluates the Nth-prior event to the last event. A value of zero returns the last event and a value of 1 returns the event prior to the last event. You may not specify event properties in the index expression.

The function returns null if there are no events or when the index is larger than the number of events held. When used with group by, it returns null if there are no events for that group or when the index is larger than the number of events held for that group.

The next statement selects the underlying event of the first and last sensor event held by the time window of 10 seconds:

select first(*), last(*) from SensorEvent#time(10 sec) 

The statement shown next selects the last temperature (f1) and the prior-to-last temperature (f1) of sensor events in the last 10 seconds:

select last(temperature, 0) as f1, select last(temperature, 1) as f2
from SensorEvent#time(10 sec)

The synopsis for the maxby aggregation function is:

maxby(sort_criteria_expression [asc/desc][, sort_criteria_expression [asc/desc]...][, filter:filter_expression])

The maxby aggregation function returns the greatest of all events, compared by using criteria expressions. When used with group by, it returns the greatest of all events per group.

This example statement returns the sensor id and the temperature of the sensor event that had the highest temperature among all sensor events:

select maxby(temperature).sensorId, maxby(temperature).temperature from SensorEvent

The next EPL returns the sensor event that had the highest temperature and the sensor event that had the lowest temperature, per zone, among the last 10 seconds of sensor events:

select maxby(temperature), minby(temperature) from SensorEvent#time(10 sec) group by zone

Your EPL may specify multiple criteria expressions. If the sort criteria expression is descending please append the desc keyword.

The following EPL returns the sensor event with the highest temperature and if there are multiple sensor events with the highest temperature the statement returns the sensor event that has the newest timestamp value:

select maxby(temperature asc, timestamp desc) from SensorEvent

Event properties that are listed in criteria expressions must refer to the same event stream and cannot originate from different event streams.

If your statement does not define a data window and does not refer to a named window, the semantics of maxby are the same as maxbyever.

The synopsis for the sorted aggregation function is:

sorted(sort_criteria_expression [asc/desc][, sort_criteria_expression [asc/desc]...][, filter:filter_expression])

The sorted aggregation function maintains a list of events sorted according to criteria expressions. When used with group by, it maintains a list of events sorted according to criteria expressions per group.

The sorted aggregation offers a number of additional lookup methods such as lowerKey or higherKey, see Section 13.3, “Aggregation Methods for Sorted Aggregations”.

The sample EPL listed next returns events sorted according to temperature ascending for the same zone:

select sorted(temperature) from SensorEvent group by zone

Your EPL may specify multiple criteria expressions. If the sort criteria expression is descending please append the desc keyword.

Enumeration methods can be useful in connection with sorted as the function provides the sorted events as input.

This statement finds the sensor event that when sorted according to temperature is the first sensor event for a Friday timestamp among sensor events for the same zone:

select sorted(temperature).firstOf(v => timestamp.getDayOfWeek()=6) from SensorEvent

Event properties that are listed in criteria expressions must refer to the same event stream and cannot originate from different event streams.

If used in a regular select statement, the use of sorted requires that your EPL defines a data window for the stream or utilizes a named window.

The synopsis for the window aggregation function is:

window(*|stream.*|value_expression [, filter:filter_expression])

The window aggregation function returns all rows. When used with group by, it returns the rows for each group.

The window aggregation offers a number of additional lookup methods such as last or listReference, see Section 13.4, “Aggregation Methods for Window Aggregations”.

Similar to the first aggregation function described above, you may specify the wildcard (*) character or stream name and wildcard (*) character or a value_expression to evaluate for all events.

The function returns null if there are no rows. When used with group by, it returns null if there are no rows for that group.

The next statement selects the underlying event of all events held by the time window of 10 seconds:

select window(*) from SensorEvent#time(10 sec) 

If used in a regular select statement, the window aggregation function requires that your stream is bound by a data window or a named window. You may not use the window aggregation function on unbound streams with the exception of fire-and-forget queries or subqueries.

This example statement assumes that the OrderWindow named window exists. For each event entering or leaving the OrderWindow named window it outputs the total amount removing negative amounts:

select window(*).where(v => v.amount > 0).aggregate(0d, (r, v) => r + v.amount) from OrderWindow 

Approximation aggregation functions are aggregations that perform approximate analysis. Compared to the previously-introduced aggregation functions, the functions discussed here have a degree of accuracy and probabilistic behavior.

Count-min sketch (or CM sketch) is a probabilistic sub-linear space streaming algorithm (source: Wikipedia). Count-min sketch computes an approximate frequency, without retaining distinct values in memory, making the algorithm suitable for summarizing very large spaces of distinct values. The estimated count can be used for estimated top-K and estimated heavy-hitters, for example.

The original and detail of the algorithm is described in the paper by Graham Cormode and S. Muthukrishnan. An improved data stream summary: The Count-min sketch and its applications (2004. 10.1016/j.jalgor.2003.12.001).

Count-min sketch can only be used with tables and is not available as an aggregation function other than in a table declaration.

Count-min sketch does not consider events leaving a data window and does not process a remove stream.

The table column type for Count-min sketch is countMinSketch.

For example, the next EPL declares a table that holds a Count-min sketch (does not provision a top-K):

create table WordCountTable(wordcms countMinSketch())

You can parameterize the algorithm by providing a JSON-format structure to the declaration. The available parameters are all optional:

The next example EPL declares all available parameters:

create table WordCountTable (wordcms countMinSketch({
  epsOfTotalCount: 0.000002,
  confidence: 0.999,
  seed: 38576,
  topk: 20,
  agent: 'com.mycompany.CountMinSketchCustomAgent'

The default for the topk parameter is null. Thereby the runtime by default does not compute top-K. By specifying a positive integer value for topk the algorithm maintains a list of values representing the top estimated counts.

By default, the Count-min sketch group of aggregation functions operates on string-type values only. The aggregation function allows registering an agent that can handle any other type of value objects and that allows overriding behavior. The agent class must implement the interface com.espertech.esper.common.client.util.CountMinSketchAgent. Please see the JavaDoc for implementing an agent. The agent API is an extension API and is subject to change between versions.

EPL provides the following additional aggregation functions beyond those in the SQL standard:

Table 10.8. Syntax and Results of EPL Aggregation Functions

Aggregate FunctionResult

countever(* [, filter_expr])

countever(expression [, filter_expr])

The countever aggregation function returns the number of events ever. When used with group by it returns the number of events ever for that group.

When used with a data window, the result of the function does not change as data points leave a data window. Use the count(*) or prevcount function to return counts relative to a data window.

The optional filter expression limits the values considered for counting rows. The distinct keyword is not allowed. When an expression is provided instead of wildcard, counts the non-null values.

The next example statement outputs the count-ever for sell orders:

select countever(*, side='sell') from Order
firstever(expression [, filter_expr])

The firstever aggregation function returns the very first value ever. When used with group by it returns the first value ever for that group.

When used with a data window, the result of the function does not change as data points leave a data window. Use the first or prevtail function to return values relative to a data window.

The optional filter expression limits the values considered for retaining the first-ever value.

The next example statement outputs the first price ever for sell orders:

select firstever(price, side='sell') from Order
lastever(expression [, filter_expr])

Returns the last value or last value per group, when used with group by.

This sample statement outputs the total price, the first price and the last price per symbol for the last 30 seconds of events and every 5 seconds:

select symbol, sum(price), lastever(price), firstever(price)
from StockTickEvent#time(30 sec) 
group by symbol
output every 5 sec

When used with a data window, the result of the function does not change as data points leave a data window (for example when all data points leave the data window). Use the last or prev function to return values relative to a data window.

The optional filter expression limits the values considered for retaining the last-ever value.

The next example statement outputs the last price (ever) for sell orders:

select lastever(price, side='sell') from Order

Returns true when any remove stream data has passed, for use in the having clause to output only when a data window has filled.

The leaving aggregation function is useful when you want to trigger output after a data window has a remove stream data point. Use the output after syntax as an alternative to output after a time interval.

This sample statement uses leaving() to output after the first data point leaves the data window, ignoring the first datapoint:

select symbol, sum(price) 
from StockTickEvent#time(30 sec) 
having leaving()
nth(expression, N_index [, filter:filter_expression])

Returns the Nth oldest element; If N=0 returns the most recent value. If N=1 returns the value before the most recent value. If N is larger than the events held in the data window for this group, returns null.

A maximum N historical values are stored, so it can be safely used to compare recent values in data windows with a large number of events without incurring excessive overhead.

As compared to the prev row function, this aggregation function works within the current group by group, see Section 2.15, “Basic Aggregated Statement Types”.

This statement outputs every 2 seconds the groups that have new data and their last price and the previous-to-last price:

select symbol, nth(price, 1), last(price) 
from StockTickEvent 
group by symbol
output last every 2 sec

rate(number_of_seconds [, filter:filter_expression])

Returns an event arrival rate per second over the provided number of seconds, computed based on runtime time.

Returns null until events fill the number of seconds. Useful with output snapshot to output a current rate. This function footprint is for use without a data window onto the stream(s).

A sample statement to output, every 2 seconds, the arrival rate per second considering the last 10 seconds of events is shown here:

select rate(10) from StockTickEvent
output snapshot every 2 sec

The aggregation function retains a runtime timestamp value for each arriving event.

rate(timestamp_property[, accumulator] [, filter:filter_expression])

Returns an event arrival rate over the data window including the last remove stream event. The timestamp_property is the name of a long-type property of the event that provides a timestamp value.

The first parameter is a property name or expression providing millisecond timestamp values.

The optional second parameter is a property or expression for computing an accumulation rate: If a value is provided as a second parameter then the accumulation rate for that quantity is returned (e.g. turnover in dollars per second).

This footprint is designed for use with a data window and requires a data window declared onto the stream. Returns null until events start leaving the window.

This sample statement outputs event rate for each group (symbol) with fixed sample size of four events (and considering the last event that left). The timestamp event property must be part of the event for this to work.

select colour, rate(timestamp) as rate 
from StockTickEvent#groupwin(symbol)#length(4) 
group by symbol

Built-in aggregation functions can be disabled via configuration (see Section, “Extended Built-in Aggregation Functions”). A custom aggregation function of the same name as a built-on function may be registered to override the built-in function.

A user-defined function (UDF) is a single-row function that can be invoked anywhere as an expression itself or within an expresson. The function must simply be a public static method that the classloader can resolve at statement deployment time. The compiler resolves the function reference at compile-time and verifies parameter types.

For information on calling external services via instance method invocation, please see Section 5.17.5, “Class and Event-Type Variables”. For invoking methods on events, please see Section 5.4.5, “Using the Stream Name”

You may register your own function name for the user-defined function. Please see the instructions in Section 22.2, “Single-Row Function” for registering a function name for a user-defined single-row function.

A single-row function that has been registered with a function name can simply be referenced as function_name(parameters) thus statements can be less cluttered as no class name is required. The compiler also optimizes evaluation of such registered single-row functions when used in filter predicate expressions as described in Section 22.2.4, “Single-Row Functions in Filter Predicate Expressions”.

An example statement that utilizes the discount function is shown next (assuming that function has been registered).

select discount(quantity, price) from OrderEvent

When selecting from a single stream, use the wildcard (*) character to pass the underlying event:

select discount(*) from OrderEvent

Alternatively use the stream alias or EPL pattern tag to pass an event:

select discount(oe) from OrderEvent as oe

User-defined functions can be also be invoked on instances of an event: Please see Section 5.4.5, “Using the Stream Name” to invoke event instance methods on a named stream.

Note that user-defined functions (not single-row functions) are candidate for caching their return result if the parameters passed are constants and they are not used chained. Please see below for details and configuration.

The example below assumes a class MyClass that exposes a public static method myFunction accepting 2 parameters, and returing a numeric type such as double.

select 3 * com.mycompany.MyClass.myFunction(price, volume) as myValue 
from StockTick#time(30 sec)

User-defined functions also take array parameters as this example shows. The section on Section 9.5, “Array Definition Operator” outlines in more detail the types of arrays produced.

select * from RFIDEvent where com.mycompany.rfid.MyChecker.isInZone(zone, {10, 20, 30})

Java class names have to be fully qualified (e.g. java.lang.Math) but EPL provides a mechanism for user-controlled imports of classes and packages as outlined in Section 17.4.2, “Class and Package Imports”.

User-defined functions can return any value including null, Java objects or arrays. Therefore user-defined functions can serve to transform, convert or map events, or to extract information and assemble further events.

The following statement is a simple pattern that looks for events of type E1 that are followed by events of type E2. It assigns the tags "e1" and "e2" that the function can use to assemble a final event for output:

select MyLib.mapEvents(e1, e2) from pattern [every e1=E1 -> e2=E2]

User-defined functions may also be chained: If a user-defined function returns an object then the object can itself be the target of the next function call and so on.

Assume that there is a calculator function in the MyLib class that returns a class which provides the search method taking two parameters. The EPL that takes the result of the calculator function and that calls the search method on the result and returns its return value is shown below:

select MyLib.calculator().search(zonevariable, zone) from RFIDEvent]

A user-defined function should be implemented thread-safe.

The transpose function is only valid in the select-clause and indicates that the result of the parameter expression should become the underlying event object of the output event.

The transpose function takes a single expression as a parameter. The result object of the parameter expression is subject to transposing as described below.

The function can be useful with insert into to allow an object returned by an expression to become the event itself in the output stream.

Any expression returning a Java object can be used with the transpose function. Typical examples for expressions are a static method invocation, the result of an enumeration method, a plug-in single row function or a subquery.

The examples herein assume that a single-row function by name makeEvent returns an OrderEvent instance (a POJO object, not shown).

The following EPL takes the result object of the invocation of the makeEvent method (assumed to be an OrderEvent instance) and returns the OrderEvent instance as the underlying event of the output event:

select transpose(makeEvent(oi)) from OrderIndication oi

Your select-clause can select additional properties or expressions. In this case the output event underlying object is a pair of the expression result object and the additional properties.

The next EPL also selects the origin property of the order indication event. The output event is a pair of the OrderEvent instance and a map containing the property name and value of origin:

select origin, transpose(makeEvent(oi)) from OrderIndication oi

If the transpose function is not a top-level function, i.e. if it occurs within another expression or within any other clause then the select-clause, the function simply returns the expression result of the parameter expression.